Help keep SEOWidgets free

SEOWidgets is looking for sponsors to offset our server costs. Our vision is to keep SEOWidgets 100% free (with 10+ widgets added every month), funded by polished and relevant native ads. Your support can help make that happen.

Become a Main Sponsor

Logo panel appears at the top and bottom of the homepage. Also appears on every widget. $285/month.

SEOWidgets is free thanks to our great sponsors. And we're not just saying that because they paid us.

SEOWidgets is free thanks to our great sponsors.

Become a Widget Sponsor

Sponsor an individual widget with above-the-fold placement. Only one advertiser per widget. $65-$245/month, depending on widget.

Validate a Work Email

Input an email, and we'll classify it as real or not.

This widget is free thanks to

Sponsor Logo

Become a Category Sponsor

Appear alongside the widgets in a particular category. $115/month.

Add Your Widget

Add your own widget to SEOWidgets. $90/month.

Additional Notes

  • Main sponsor panel does not appear on mobile, but the others do.
  • Sponsorships are pre-pay. Credit card payments only.
  • All sponsorships operate by calendar month (ex: Oct 1st to Oct 31st).
  • Expect prices to vary or change based on demand, traffic, and how bad our gambling addiction gets (go Bears!).
  • Main sponsor panel does not include links, but the others do.
  • SEOWidgets can provide post-campaign impression reports but recommends using UTM parameters for click/conversion tracking.

Book a sponsorship here

See openings and reach out to book a spot. Feel free to email us at if you have any questions!

Become a sponsor