Easily add width/height to image filenames

Upload images, and we'll append height/widget dimensions to the names, like {{filename}}_300x250.png. Uses px. Up to 50 images at a time.

Adds '_{{width}}x{{height}}', like 'file_1200x628.png'. Downloads to a zip file. All widgets are beta and will probably break. Bug or suggestion? Please help us improve.

Est run time: 10-45s, depending on file sizes and counts.

Usefulness: Adding the image's dimensions to the filename is a great way of easily seeing the size, so that if someone asks for 50x50px image, you don't accidentally send them the 50000000x50000000px file and crash the internet.

Caveats: 50 images max at a time. Works for jpg, webp, png, tiff, and bmp. Max 10mb per file. The numbers are the px sizes.

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