Validate Work Emails in Bulk

Upload a CSV with emails in column A (no headers), and we'll classify it into one of valid work email, invalid work email, group alias, fake domain, catch-all domain, free mailbox, disposable, student, sanctioned, or unknown.

Max 100 rows at a time. Downloads to a CSV. Emails should be in Column A, no headers. All widgets are beta and will probably break. Bug or suggestion? Please help us improve.

Here's an example file →

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Est run time: 30-60s, depending on number of rows.

Usefulness: Email validation tools are stupidly expensive! So we decided to build our own, using a mixture of proprietary datasets, regex logic, MX DNS checks, and, finally, API integration with some well-known email validation services. It doesn't make sense that we offer this for free, so PLEASE PLEASE BECOME A SPONSOR SO WE CAN FEED OUR CHILDREN.

Caveats: Many domains (especially enterprises) are "catch-all", meaning it's impossible to verify a specific email without, like, being in an email thread with said person. But, for everything else, this verification should be pretty accurate.

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