Get Status Code for URLs (Bulk)

Input a CSV of URLs in column A, and we'll tell you their status codes.

Max 500 rows. Downloads to a CSV. All widgets are beta and will probably break. Bug or suggestion? Please help us improve.

Est run time: 15-45s, depending on row count.

Usefulness: Maybe you have a list of URLs, and you want to see if any are dead. Or, maybe you get turned on by lots of 200 status codes (don't worry, no judgement, we don't link shame).

Caveats: Looks at either image or href links. Doesn't return 300 level responses (will follow link to end result). 429 or 403 means we were throttled. Put URLs in a CSV - column A, no headers. Removes any malformed links automatically.

Bot Blocking: Some sites - especially Cloudflare users - may block or throttle our bots. If so, the numbers will be empty or wonky.

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