Get Final Redirect for URLs (Bulk)

Input a CSV of URLs in column A, and we'll tell you the final redirect URL. We'll also point out any broken URLs.

Max 7500 rows. Downloads to a CSV. All widgets are beta and will probably break. Bug or suggestion? Please help us improve.

Est run time: 15-45s, depending on row count.

Usefulness: Imagine you have a list of URLs, and you want to know where they redirect to, all at once. This is the tool for you. Now imagine you donating $100 to SEOWidgets. Doesn't that seem like a good idea?

Caveats: Link URLs only (no images). Will add additional details like whether it links to a dead page, we got blocked, etc.

Bot Blocking: Some sites - especially Cloudflare users - may block or throttle our bots. If so, the numbers will be empty or wonky.

Additional: Put URLs in a CSV - column A, no headers. Removes any malformed links automatically.

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