Easily Build a Competitor Tracking Doc (Software Companies)

Add up to 3 keywords, and we'll build a competitor list around the term(s), including relevant players, employee counts, domains, G2 ratings, and more. Focused on software companies.

Downloads to a CSV. Focused on software companies. All widgets are beta and will probably break. Bug or suggestion? Please help us improve.

Here's an example file →

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Est run time: 10s-20s.

Usefulness: Who else has spent days building a competitor list with domains, messaging, country, and such? Well, maybe it takes you just a few hours because you know how to use this "Internet" thing. For everyone else, this is a tool that provides a starting point for your competitor research.

Caveats: Feel free to run this multiple times with different words/permutations to find a result you're happy with (remember - some words can be ambiguous!). It'll produce a comprehensive list that likely includes companies that were acquired or went under. As with any CRM database, there will be inaccuracies, but it's better than starting from scratch! Also, it's free and takes 15s. Probably works poorly for non-English words.

Additional: Once you have the list, we recommend using our Competitor Headlines widget to pull screenshots of the homepages, so you can easily see each company's messaging and positioning. Also, our Bulk Open widget makes it easy to open tabs for each domain. Our Achilles Heel widget also highlights their weaknesses (granted, it says 'their heel' for every one).

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