Get an audit of your email deliverability records
Just input a URL, and we'll find the records related to email deliverability - SPF, DMARC, DKIM, and BIMI.
Est run time: 15-20s.
Usefulness: WHY DOES GOOGLE MAKE IT SO HARD TO SPAM PEOPLE WITH GENERIC B2B EMAILS? Anyway, this tool is useful for checking your email deliverability records, which is needed to do said spamming of people with generic B2B emails.
Caveats: This tool only checks for the existence of email deliverability records. It does not check for the records' validity. For instance, we'll tell you if you have an SPF record, but we won't tell you if it's valid.
Additional: We highly recommend you check your email deliverability records! And easy way to prevent spoofing and ensure your emails don't go to spam.