Identify Trailblazer Terms

Trailblazers are keywords with CTRs that are overperforming compared to your other terms (by 10% or more). Uses Google Search Console's "Queries.csv" export.

Export GSC data by CSV and upload the "Queries.csv" file. Downloads to a csv. All widgets are beta and will probably break. Bug or suggestion? Please help us improve.

Est run time: 15-20s.

Usefulness: CTR is obviously a factor in Google's rankings, but so are backlinks, FAQSchemas, metadata, and so on. Identifying terms with high CTRs even in lower positions offers terms/pages that could be good to optimize, as high CTRs + high rankings = $$$.

Caveats: Bunch of things. (1) Check that your file is called "Queries.csv". (2) This uses exponential fit on your data to calculate average CTR by position. We have no idea what that means, but we assume it has something to do with numbers and lines and really stretchy pants. (3) GSC's Queries.csv doc is limited to only 1k rows (sorted by clicks) (4) You may want to filter to just the blog path before exporting. (5) Removes any queries with < 50 imps from the final doc.

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