What's Trending? (Across 7 Social Networks)

Click for trending stories/hashtags/etc across 7 social networks and search engines (including Twitter and TikTok). Updates every 12 hours. Did we mention it's 100% free? If not, well, it's 100% free.

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Est run time: 10-15s.

Usefulness: Pulls trending hastags/searches/stories/videos from YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, Google Trends, Google News, and Mastodon. Updated twice a day (early EST and midday).

Caveats: This pulls US-based results only, except for Tiktok, which is all regions.

Additional: We're not entirely sure what Mastodon is, but we added them because otherwise our site would have ZERO references to mammals from the Miocene epoch. Also, we will never refer to Twitter as X. It's our little rebellion against that man-child.

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