Shrink Images & Convert to Webp (URL)

Add a URL, and we'll minimize, shrink, and convert its existing images to webp.

Downloads to a zip file. All widgets are beta and will probably break. Bug or suggestion? Please help us improve.

Est run time: 10-45s, depending on file sizes and counts.

Usefulness: Large image files can slow down sites. And unless you're National Geographic trying to display detailed graphics of mating grasshoppers, you don't need that pixel depth (even then...). This tool converts any blog image into one that won't incur Google's technical SEO wrath.

Caveats: File is reduced to 1200px width if above (width/height aspect maintained). Looks for png, jpeg, and webp. Will convert the first 50 images on the page.

Bot Blocking: Some sites - especially Cloudflare users - may block or throttle our bots. If so, the numbers will be empty or wonky.

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