Forecast Revenue by Performance Metrics

Want to estimate how performance increases will help your revenue? Figure it out by manipulating possible CTR, CR, and AOV changes. Any of those 3 values can be left blank.

Response appears on the page. For rates, use 25 not 0.25 to mean 25%. All widgets are beta and will probably break. Bug or suggestion? Please help us improve.

Est run time: 5s.

Usefulness: Just a quick tool for calculating how potential improvements could drive more revenue.

Caveats: Ignore the "Your Metrics" section if you're looking for a basic % improvement calculation. To forecast on your own data, fill out the bottom section. All values in that section must be filled out to work.

Additional: CTR = click-through rates. CR = conversion rates. AOV = average order value. POS = piece of OH WAIT THIS IS A FAMILY-FRIENDLY SITE NVM. NVM = never mind.

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