Basic Phone Number Validation

Takes a number and tells you if it passes basic number validation.

Response appears on page. All widgets are beta and will probably break. Bug or suggestion? Please help us improve.

Est run time: 15-20s.

Usefulness: Let's say you met a cute person at a bar and they gave you their number. Rather than texting to see it's real, you could always use this phone number checker to see if it passes basic validation checks. But hopefully it's real, for your sake!

Caveats: This doesn't tell you if a number will reach someone real, only whether or not it passes basic checks. You should feel confident that anything invalid can be scrubbed or ignored. If it's deemed valid, then additional checks may be necessary. Also, if you're concerned about accuracy, we use Twilio's API for this, and we hear they are pretty good at this stuff.

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