Find Your Profile URLs (Business Directories)

Add your domain and brand name, and we'll find your profile URLs across 30 software directories. If needed, add a 1-word company descriptor (like 'CRM') if other companies share your brand name.

Downloads to a CSV. Use the descriptor only if other companies have the same name. All widgets are beta and will probably break. Bug or suggestion? Please help us improve.

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Est run time: 15-20s.

Usefulness: If you don't already have these saved, finding the URLs by hand can be annoying. This pulls them in seconds. That's time you can better spend elsewhere, like exercising or joining a cult (signing up for Crossfit would accomplish both).

Caveats: It's not 100% perfect, but should be pretty accurate.

Additional: The 1-word descriptor is useful if there's another company with the same name (if that's not the case, you're better off not adding anything). Keep as short as possible - like 'ads', 'lawyers', 'sales', etc. In fact, the shorter the better!

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