Validate Work Email

Input an email, and we'll classify it into one of valid work email, invalid work email, group alias, fake domain, catch-all domain, free mailbox, disposable, student, sanctioned, or unknown.

Response appears on page. All widgets are beta and will probably break. Bug or suggestion? Please help us improve.

Est run time: 15-20s.

Usefulness: Email validation tools are stupidly expensive! So we decided to build our own, using a mixture of proprietary datasets, regex logic, MX DNS checks, and, finally, API integration with some well-known email validation services. It doesn't make sense that we offer this for free, so PLEASE PLEASE BECOME A SPONSOR SO WE CAN FEED OURSELVES.

Caveats: Many domains (especially enterprises) are "catch-all", meaning it's impossible to verify a specific email without, like, being in an email thread with said person. But, for everything else, this verification should be pretty accurate.

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