Get Word Count for a URL

Input a blog article, and we'll show its word length, removing any text that's not the blog content itself.

Response appears on the page. All widgets are beta and will probably break. Bug or suggestion? Please help us improve.

Est run time: 15-20s.

Usefulness: Conventional wisdom is to write articles with more word count than competitors. Theoretically, this should lead to a world where all articles are the size of "War and Peace". Fortunately, we aren't there. But if this tool identifies any articles with low word counts, you can spruce them up with words, images, and references to Russian famines.

Caveats: Word counts may be slightly off due to CTAs, author bios, etc. If your site blocks bots, it will return zero.

Bot Blocking: Some sites - especially Cloudflare users - may block or throttle our bots. If so, the numbers will be empty or wonky.

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