See The 3-Year Evolution of a Website's Homepage

Put in a URL, and we'll show you how their site has changed over the past 3 years.

Will redirect you to a new page. Looks at high-level domain only. Use desktop Chrome, please. All widgets are beta and will probably break. Bug or suggestion? Please help us improve.

Here's an example file →

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Est run time: You'll be redirected in 15-20s to a new page. After that, you can make adjustments to the graphic before downloading it as a png..

Usefulness: Show off your new website redesign. Or, write LinkedIn thought leadership posts about other people's website redesigns. Or, write LinkedIn thought leadership posts about other people's thought leadership posts about other people's website redesigns. There's no limit to the Kaufmanesque things you can do with this widget.

Caveats: This widget won't work for every site, and there's a second step that involves tweaking the results. But, worth a try!

Additional: After this step, you'll be taken to a page to review the images before taking a screenshot.

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